Technical Terms of Square Dance Calling

Gero Teufert, 08/1999


A system of describing a setup by describing
  • Formation (pattern of spots on the floor and facing direction [Lines, RH Waves...]),
  • Arrangement (on which position in the formation a girl or boy can be found [0=Normal, 6 states possible]),
  • Sequence (order of boys and girls in ccw direction [4 states possible]) and
  • Relationship (which girl is adjacent to a reference boy dancer [4 states possible]).

more about FASR

A system of describing a setup by describing
  • Formation
  • Rotation (= Sequence in FASR)
  • Affliliation (=Relationship in FASR)
The System was in use until the 80ies. It then has been replaced by FASR.

A Set of calls that brings the square from one known FASR to a known FASR.

There are several types of modules:

A module working from a square at home to a certain known FASR.

A Name for the dancers positioning in the square. Setups are described with the FASR-System.

Get Out
A module working from a particular FASR to a "promenade home".

A module that brings the square from one FASR to exactly the same FASR.

There are server al types of zeros:

more about ZEROs

Geographical Zero
A zero that returns the dancers to exactly the same spot on the floor.

True Zero
A module that works as a zero from every sequence or arrangement.

Conditional Zero (Technical Zero)
A zero that exchanges ends and centers. Therefore it only works from two out of four possible sequence states and not from all possible arrangements. Called twice it always works as a true zero.

When called from a sequence state where the Module does not zero out, it will turn the relation of the FASR to it's opposite, that means p<-->o and c<-->r (a "sort of" ladies chain effect).

Fractional Zero
A set of calls that has to be called iterative to work as a zero. The number of the fraction indicates how often it has to be called to work as a zero. Therefore a 1/2 Zero has to be called twice, a 1/3 zero has to be called three times and so on.

Fractions of three (1/3, 1/6, 1/12 zeros) are interesting, because they lead the dancers to the various arrangements of a formation.

A module that alters the formation. For example it may change a  [L1p]  to a  [B1c]  or vice versa.

A set of calls that produces the same effect as a particular call. For example "flutter wheel, reverse the flutter" is a "right and left thru" equivalent, "swing thru twice" is an equivalent to "spin the top twice".



last Update: 10.12.1999

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