Suggestions from several callers:
Spin Chain Thru
ends U Turn Back and Circulate (maybe twice, I did not check the timing)
Ferris Wheel (or Wheel and Deal)
Mike Gormley
From right-hand waves, I like the following combination of calls:
Spin Chain Thru, (New) Ends U-Turn Back & Circulate
Cast Off 3/4
Reverse Flutter Wheel...
From left-hand waves:
Spin Chain Thru, (New) Ends U-Turn Back & Circulate
Cast Off 3/4
Flutter Wheel.../ OR Dixie Style...
Del Powell
From BBGG Waves
Call Boys Start a Spin Chain Thru
or Girls Start a Spin Chain Thru
Allen Kerr
How about Spin Chain Thru from an Alamo Ring (yes, some portions are stars).
You have to specify the starting Hand.
And, it's a great zero!!
[NOTE: This is not quite legal concerning the definitions, but it works.. ;-) ]
...illegal by definition, immoral by implication (start with a
right, or left, etc.) - Al Stevens
Two Faced Lines
Replace the first part with a California Twirl and Spin chain thru.
Centers Begin, Spin chain thru
Lines Facing out
Use Trades where needed and Centers begin Spin Chain thru
Inverted Lines
Use Trades where needed and Centers Begin Spin chain thru
Promenade Position (two Faced Thar)
Spin chain thru (use Trades Where needed)
Regular Thar
Spin chain thru
Centers begin Spin chain thru
Facing Diamonds
Centers begin, in Reverse order Spin chain thru
Regular Diamonds
Centers Begin, In reverse order spin chain thru (use Trades where needed)
These are some of the versions of spin chain thru that I may use to make a
mainstream dance more interesting. Usually this is not done all evening but
maybe one is shown as a "Something you should know" type of call. These are
usually heavilly cued. and if the dancers do not make it the first time I
will give them another chance with more cueing or maybe even a walk thru.
Clark, Bryan
Spin Chain Thru - Ends Zoom
Jürgen Weissenborn
I use a singing call figure like this:
H/S Star Thru - Pass Thru
Dosado to an OW
Spin Chain Thru - Girls Zoom
Spin Chain Thru - Boys Zoom
Sw & Prom
... and some lefties:
H/S Left Square Thru 2 - Left Swing Thru
Spin Chain Thru
Girls Circulate
Boys Run - Wheel & Deal
Turn Thru - AL
Sw & Prom
H/S Ladies Chain
H/S Dixie Style - Extend
Spin Chain Thru - Boys Circulate
Girls Run - Bend The Line
Flutterwheel - Sweep ¼
Sw & Prom
A get-out module:
Zero Box:
Spin Chain Thru
Girls Circulate 1½
Boys ½ of a Walk & Dodge (or ½ Circulate)
Kim S. Andreasen
Here is a gimmick I use once in a while.
Spin Chain Thru
Girls Circulate one
Spin Chain Thru
Boys Circulate two
Spin Chain Thru
Girls Circulate three
Right and Left Grand.
Right and Left Thru
Spin Chain Thru
Girls Circulate one
Spin Chain Thru
Boys Circulate two
Spin Chain Thru
Girls Circulate three
Right and Left Grand Third Girl Promenade
Mike Liston
last Update: 10.12.1999