Stir The Bucket Routines

compiled by Bob Bourassa


If you are looking for "At home" routines in your patter have the square rotate 1/4 left THEN start your "bucket stir sequence" from there and you will end up "YOUR HOME". In some cases you will have to change wording because of couples new position in the square. (heads in side position and vice-versa).

Bob Bourassa




side ladies chain
heads lead left
pass thru
heads quarter out
acey deucey

head lead left
pass to the center
centers veer left
centers bend the line
allemande left
all 8 spin the top
all 8 spin the top
boys run
bend the line

side ladies chain
heads lead right
pass thru
sides roll

ladies chain
heads star thru
pass thru
bend the line
star thru
sides slide thru

side ladies chain
heads lead right
right and left thru
pass thru
chase right
head boy run : centers trade
centers roll

ladies chain [ Lds chain 1/4
ladies chain 3/4 [ equivilent
pass thru
chase right
walk and dodge
centers roll

sides flutter wheel heads lead right
slide thru
touch 1/4
couples circulate 1/2
bend in

heads lead right
veer left
coules circulate
walk and dodge
heads trade
centers veer left
centers bend the line

sides promenade 1/2
heads lead right
veer left
girls trade
quarter in
sides star thru
heads box the gnat
sides veer left
sides bend the line
heads slide thru

heads lead right
veer left
couples circulate
girls cast off 3/4
diamond circulate
cut the diamond
ferris wheel

(*) options from ferris wheel

  1. centers swing thru
    centers boys run
    sides bend the line

  2. centers pass the ocean
    centers recycle

  3. touch 1/4
    centers walk and dodge
    sides trade

  4. centers lead right
    centers trade

  5. centers circle 3/4

  6. centers veer left
    centers wheel and deal
    centers veer left
    centers bend the line

sides promenade 1/2
4 ladies chain
heads slide thru
dixie grand
Allem. left
Swing partner square set

side ladies chain
heads lead right
veer left
couples circulate
wheel and deal
pass the ocean
explode and right and left thru
]pass to the center
centers square thru
centers trade

side ladies chain
head lead right
right and left thru
pass the ocean
explode and touch 1/4
girls u turn back
slide thru
centers roll

side ladies chain
heads lead right
right and left thru
pass the ocean
explode the wave
centers roll

sides promenade 1/2
[ flutter wheel side ladies chain
[ equivilent heads pass the ocean
head girls trade
heads face
and touch
all hinge
girls u turn back

heads lead right
pass thru
centers pass the ocean
centers girls trade
centers extend
all trade

sides promenade 1/2 [ flutter wheel
side ladies chain [ equivilent
heads lead right
swing thru
boys run
girls cast off 3/4
diamond circulate
flip the diamond
pass thru
centers slide thru
heads trade

sides promenade 1/2 [ flutter wheel
side girls chain [ equivilent
heads lead right
pass thru
trade by
girls hinge
flip the diamond
ferris wheel
centers slide thru

heads lead right
pass thru
trade by
flutter wheel
touch 1/4
follow your neighbor
girls run
couples circulate 1/2
bend the line

sides promenade 1/2 [flutter wheel
side ladies chain [ equivilent
heads lead left
pass the ocean
girls trade
grand swing thru grand swing thru recycle
ends slide thru
sides half sashay

side girls chain
heads lead right
right and left thru
pass the ocean
linear cycle sides quarter in

sides promenade 1/2
heads lead right
right and left thru
pass the ocean
linear cycle centers trade
centers right and left thru
centers girls trade
centers linear cycle

ladies chain
sides face
all box the gnat
load the boat
pass thru
sides star thru
heads trade

side ladies chain
sides rollaway
heads lead right
pass thru
heads half sashay
centers pass thru
peel off
ends star thru

heads lead right
pass thru
trade by
pass the ocean
boys fold
peel the top
boys run
couples circulate 1/2
bend the line

heads lead right
pass thru
trade by
swing thru
girls fold
peel the top
boys run
(centers or sides) wheel and deal
heads cast off 3/4

heads pass the ocean
head girls trade
ping pong circulate
swing thru
side boys run
sides bend the line
or heads pass the ocean
head girls trade
ping pong circulate
centers slide thru

heads lead left
girls trade
relay the deucey
boys run
circulate 1/2
bend the line

side ladies chain
heads lead right
pass thru
trade by
single circle to a wave explode
ends slide thru & trade
centers slide thru 2 times

heads lead left
girls trade
spin chain the gears
(couples circulate or
spin chain the gears again)
girls u-turn back
couples circulate 1/2
bend the line (in)

sides flutter wheel
heads lead left
spin chain and exchange the gears
step thru
ends trade
centers veer left
centers bend the line

all lead right
partner trade
new head ladies center teacup chain

head ladies chain
sides face
all pass thru
3/4 tag the line
centers girls cross fold (and adjust)
centers star thru
all trade

heads flutter wheel
heads star thru
double pass thru
track 2
pass thru
right and left thru
centers pass the ocean
centers recycle
heads trade

heads lead left
trade the wave
circulate 2 times
boys trade
trade the wave
girls run
tag the line
quarter right
ferris wheel
centers pass the ocean
centers recycle

heads lead left
trade thr wave
8 circulate 2
trade the wave
boys cross run
boys run
couples circulate 1/2
bend the line




heads lead right
pass thru
centers veer left
bend the line
heads trade and spread
heads circulate 1 1/2
slided thru

heads pass the ocean
heads recycle
centers pass thru
veer left
ferris wheel
centers sweep 1/4
centers right and left thru

heads lead right
circle to a line
pass thru
wheel and deal
centers pass the ocean
centers recycle

heads lead left
pass to the center
centers veer left
centers bend the line
pass to the center
centers veer left
centers bend the line

heads right and left thru
heads lead right
veer left
circulate 1/2
bend the line

heads promenade 3/4
centers veer left
centers bend the line

heads lead right
veer left
1/2 circulate
bend the line

heads lead left
pass to the center
centers flutter wheel
centers linear cycle

promenade 3/4

all lead left



last Update: 10.12.1999

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